Want to help support our mission?

As a not-for-profit magazine, Mulberry Literary relies on the hard work of volunteer editors and contributions by people like you to keep our mission alive and well. We are currently taking donations to ensure that the work we publish on our site will have a home for a long time to come.

Your contributions directly help us to:

  1. Keep our submission fees low- to no-cost

  2. Ensure our issues are always free to read and accessible to all

  3. Help cover the cost of Mulberry’s official website and domain name

  4. Run contests, awards, and acknowledgments for our amazing contributors

  5. Allow you to directly show your support for independent artists and writers

As a small gesture of our appreciation, all applicants who donate during our open submission periods will receive an expedited response to their submission. As an added bonus, they’ll also receive a shout out on our Instagram story. Please include your full name in the donation note.

Thank you, from the very bottom of our hearts, for supporting our mission in whatever way you can!


Donations of any size are welcome and greatly appreciated!

Donations and sponsorships do not increase your chances of being accepted for publication, awards, or contests.

Expedited responses are not guaranteed feedback or critique from our editors.

Our editors are not compensated at this time—all donations received go directly toward funding our mission.


Want to make a lasting impact for our indie magazine? If you’re an indie creator or eclectic small business looking to broaden your horizons, we’re here to help! Mulberry sponsors will receive personalized ad space on our site, full social media coverage, an exclusive interview on the Mulberry Blog, and a special highlight in our upcoming monthly newsletter!

Please contact us via email for an application with further details. Check below for an example of how your business would be advertised on the homepage of the site.

Want to learn more about
Mulberry Literary and our mission?